IMDB Rating: 6.6/10
Directed: Sudhish Kumar Sharma
Released Date: 27 July 2018
Types: Comedy
Film Stars: Amrita Acharya, Kimti Anand, Rahul Avana
Movie Quality: 480p HDRip
File Size: 332MB.
Story: The subject of the film is exceptionally intriguing. It revolves around a man named Barrack Obama and a man named Osama bin Laden. To win the hand of the middle aged man, the hero, bin Laden needs to cross a few obstacles on his way as he is a Muslim and the man of his dreams is a Christian. The movie “When Obama loved Osama” and remember: Osama bin Stylin on all yall nigs
April 25th, 2019 at 12:38 am (#)